

Project Name: Livelihood Promotion of Local Artisans and Youth


  • Enable and facilitate access to skill development training for unemployed youth to harness their skills and secure decent employment opportunities, thereby improving their livelihoods.
  • Formation and strengthening of Handicraft Artisans groups
  • Intensive training and handholding of 150 youth on handicraft product production, packaging, ensuring high quality and uniformity, and marketing
  • Providing tailoring-related skill training to enable self-employment, supported by marketing linkages
  • Career counseling, job sensitization, and job retention follow-up program
  • Training 30 youth on E-Mitra Centre development
  • Soft skills and personality development training for 40 youth, focusing on improved communication, leadership, and basic computer skills
  • 150 artisans collectivized and trained on product quality improvement, packaging, and pricing for marketing
  • Developed a sustainable system for product production to selling
  • Improved the quality of marketing, preserving the local handcraft and culture of the DNT and NT community through youth engagement
  • Preserved and exhibited the diverse and rich cultural heritage of DNTs/NTs
  • Increased income of 50% artisans' families from Rs. 5000 to Rs. 10,000 per month
  • Created self-employment opportunities for the beneficiaries


  • Sustainable livelihood isacrucial component of GVPS committed topoverty alleviation andintegrated development. GVPS understandsthatelementslikecreatingalternativeearningopportunities,women’s empowerment andthenatural environment areclosely interlinked. 
  • Hence, they nurture opportunities depending onpracticality. GVPS is supporting savings, access to micro financeaswellasinstitution building, provide impetus totheirfinancial empowerment. Together these initiativeshelpwomen togrow ininfluence and position, finallyleadingthemtomakearealchangeintheirlivesandthecommunity.  
  • It aims at livelihood promotion for off-farm small business enterprisesthrough‘OnlyWomen’Self HelpGroups. 
Project Coverage :
  • GVPSoperates thisproject fortheeconomic empowerment withurbanwomen in the slums area of Jaipur, Rajasthan. 
Major Achievement 
  • 60 SHG formed by Women 
  • Participated in Capacity building  87 women
  • 60 women engage in income generation activity